Help Bulgaria
After three years of EU membership, Bulgaria remains one of its poorest countries, in the EU but also in the whole of the Balkans.
In 2009, the average salary in the country was 302 euros per month, according to data from the Vienna Institute for International Studies.
This negative environment is aggravated by data from the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (KNSV), according to which 1 in 5 families live below the poverty line: which means 95 euros per month per person.
This was also confirmed by the Bulgarian Ministry for Social Policy, which stated that in 2008, 1/5 of the population in Bulgaria lived at the limit of the poverty line.
In December 2020, each household earned only 340 euros per month, which is 60 euros less than the previous year.
Our mission is to develop and organize solutions to stop this progression of poverty and also be able to help people who are already in precarious situations.